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DevCnc Foam by the devCad Team


DevCnc Foam, the innovative application to drive a CNC hotwire machine

devCnc Foam is an application to drive a Cnc 4 or 5 axes hot wire foam cutting machine. This new version can also manage the 5th rotary axis!

See also the new Light version devCnc Foam LE, without 3D preview and GCode exposed:

See the Supported controllers page to have more info about the Cnc you can actually drive using devCnc Foam.

You can see below an image of a standard Cnc 4 axes hot wire foam cutting machine (courtesy Foam Linx):

devCnc Foam can open a GCode file and use it to drive the Cnc machine along the cutting path.
You can create the right GCode file using an external Foam Cam application or use one of our well known applications that will automatically run devCnc Foam at the final stage of the process, with the right cutting file and parameters already loaded.
Actually 4 different applications are available:

  • devFoam LE: this application can create cutting files for untapered texts or free shaped parts, importing them from Cad or Raster files.
  • devFoam: this application can create cutting files for untapered texts or free shaped parts, importing them from Cad or Raster files, or drawing them inside devFoam itself.
  • devFoam Pro: the Pro version adds to devFoam Pro the capability to draw and manage tapered parts, and a special feature to vectorialize pictures.
  • devFoam 3D: the 3D version adds to devFoam the capability to manage the 5th rotary axys, Table or Lathe type.
  • devWing Foam: this application is specialized to draw and cut complex wings (or similar shapes) in a very simple way.
  • devFus Foam: this application is specialized to draw and cut fuselages (or similar shapes) in a very simple way.

As devCnc Foam is written from scratch thinking to Cnc 4 axes hot wire foam cutting machines, the interface is very clean, it includes ONLY command referred to foam cutting, so it's very easy to use and all the features are optimized for Foam cutting.
A second plus is the realtime 3D preview of the cutting job. This shows what you are supposed to see, the 2 cutting carriages, the foam block, and the final part is rendered as long as the cutting job proceeds. Other applications usually show only the carriage(s) movings, and this is really confusing when you are cutting tapered parts. You can also preview the cutting in simulation mode, applying a faster preview speed (a foam cutting job can take a really long time...).

Other interesting features are included:

  • Hot wire temperature management, as an On/Off switch or PWM controller
  • End travel switches management, very usefull to calibrate the Cnc origin automatically
  • GamePad. You can use a GamePad to control the movements and commands of devCnc foam.
  • Hot Keys. You can define your own Keyboard Hot Key to control the movements and commands od devCnc foam.
  • Metric Custom movements. You can create there custom metric movements in an easy way, and apply them immediately, or creating a new cut file (Job) or appending them to the actual job.
  • Recording. You can record Jog movements, and load them as a new Job or save as a new GCode file.
  • GMFC .cut file import. A .cut file of GMFC can be imported and converted on the fly to GCode, loaded as the new actual Job

The development plan of next versions includes:

  • Import of other file formats and immediate conversion to a working GCode
  • Management of other Usb controllers, as long as we will make agreements with other Usb controller producers
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