You can read more about the Theremino project
here, it's a really interesting and innovative italian open source
The actual version of devCnc Foam supports both Theremino Master Usb V3 (10 pins) and V4 (12 pins)
The Theremino Master Usb module V3 (10 pins) and V4 (12 pins) (courtesy
Theremino ):

The good piece of news is that Theremino Master Usb is not just a simple
USB controller, and you can have different ways to use it:
as the main board of the controller
If you like to assemble your own
controller, you can just purchase a Theremino Master Usb module, and connect
the stepper driver you prefer.
You can see here more detals about the way Theremino Master works, and how you
can connect your preferred stepper drives. If you need more info you
can also contact the Theremino team, they will be appy to help you.
To purchase your Theremino Master Usb module I suggest you to see the
list of the certified Theremino module reseller, you can find it here. Also Theremino Store is now selling a Theremino Usb certified controller.
as an Usb interface to your parallel port controller
If you already own a parallel port
controller, and you want to migrate to a more efficient and easy to use Usb
port (the parallel port is no more included in modern computers), you can build
your own Usb to Parallel port interface using a Theremino Master Usb module.
You can find here more details about how you can build it (just a
matter of soldering some wires...).
Using this Usb interface your Cnc will work smoother, as now the timing part
(the most critical part of a controller based on a parallel port) is no more
performed by the computer, but by the internal quarzed clock of the Theremino
Master Usb module.
Here below an image about a simple interface built using a Theremino Master Usb
module (courtesy
Theremino ):