Foam by the devCad Team
DevCnc Foam, Arduino Uno + Cnc Shield 3.00
Supported controllers page - Arduino
Uno + Cnc Shield 3.00
The Arduino Uno + Cnc Shield 3.00 is a well known couple.
It includes what is required to build in a simple way a powerful foam
cutting controller:
So, why this solution isn't actually used
in the Foam cutting world?
The answer is in the lacking of a Firmware for Arduino, able to manage the 4
independent linear axes in the way required by cnc foam cutting.
That's why the devCad Team developed a totally new Firmware, optimized for
Arduino Uno + Cnc Shield 3.00.
This firmware will be stored inside Arduino Uno directly on devCnc Foam
startup, when you select it as the actual controller.
So you don't need to begin an Arduino expert, but just:
apply the right wiring (no soldering is
calibrate the stepper drivers (they
usually are already set to a good enough value, but checking it is recommended)
plug in the Arduino Usb port
select Arduino Uno + Cnc Shield 3.00 in
the "Controller type and output pins" page of the "Settings
At this point all the firmare setup will
be performed by devCnc Foam, you must only set the right Steps per MM values of
your Cnc, see the "Motors"
page of the "Settings dialog".
You can find here the Step by Step
guide to setup your Arduino Uno + Cnc Shield 3.00 controller: