Smart Polar Snap is an innovative snapping technology developed by the devCad Team.
You are probably aware of the usual Ortho and Polar Snaps offered by most standard CAD applications.
A CAD user normally draws using these snaps, plus object snaps, temporary track points, construction lines and other features; all this can become rather boring and slow.....
Smart Polar Snap was developed to offer an easy and automatic support for the most used drawing procedures.
It reacts to 450 different drawing contexts in the most useful way, displaying one or more dynamic snaps.
When the cursor is captured by a Smart Polar Snap line, the tooltip shows the Snap type and the referring polar center is highlighted (default color is cyan).
Smart Polar Snap is activated either when you draw a new object or when you edit an existing one.
It reacts also to other objects, for example displaying a Tangent and a Perpendicular Snap when clicking on an existing object.
It can be even used when Radial Snap and one or more Object Snaps are enabled.
Use the bottom toolbar to toggle Smart Polar Snap.
After using Smart Polar Snap, you will be happy to work with it!